Science Of The Universe


Chrology is a global branch that studies the views of existences, understanding, and presence of different elements that constitute the whole universe.

These include gigantic and minuscule existences and facts in all presence. It also considers all academic and non-academic disciplines available with all their backgrounds and standards to explain the views of the universe in a single model.

As our diverse fields of studies need to clarify the deep understanding of all existence, We need more new ideas and a new way to apprehend and explain the universe.

Chrology is the discipline of tackling the diversities and complications of the universe's secrets by combining many standards to unify them and studying universe secrets, considering the original concept as real presences and existences to understand the universe.

Chrology is the knowledge of the universe in one picture to fully explain his views and understanding in a single model.

Chrology (Physic Chrologic) is a new concept with its principles showing the different doors of horizons, environments, and the knowledge of the constituents of any universe system in its originality and its set.

The five domains described in its first (1st) principle exist in infinitely large or small numbers. The existence of the whole is represented and apprehended in five realities.

They are fixed in five original geometry of the views so that the universe can exist in all its originality. Furthermore, the Chrology study is set and defined in one of his domains without modifying its constituents and concepts.

Chrology helps us to know, classify, to study, and show all existences with their horizons if the study is undertaken and found in one of the positions available to us in its different particularities and to meet the various laws, the other diversities that the universe system possesses so that we can access to his carrying understanding.

Chrology opens the doors for complete universe knowledge with various constituents. 

It is the typical model of vision, understanding, and original descriptions of the universe and its systems, facing all our intelligence and our K factors of existence.

With the exact and applied sciences, natural sciences, engineering sciences, technological sciences, medical sciences, pure sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, human sciences, and so on, we have made considerable efforts to compare the state of our different eras of existence to know the universe at our scales.

Chrology is the unification of all bits of knowledge, discoveries, significant laws, and sciences in a single concept showing the different faces of the whole system in all its dimensions according to our evolution.

Those are one elements of knowing materials used by chrology to conduct and to develop his concept in-universe: the planets, galaxies, gas clouds, and clusters, dark matter, particles, molecules, gas, dust, people, liquids, supernovas, solids, atoms, protons, neutrons, spaces, times, fermions, bosons, nebulae, animals, virus, bacteria, fires, voids, and so on.

The history of chrology started in 1999 by the researcher in physiccosmology, and energy Ulrich Ndilira Rotam after he intended to go far for the understanding and complication of view of the universe and interested in extremely complicated questions challenging to ask and to examine.

One of Chrology's methods is to carry our different diversities, is to using all elements found by humans and available in-universe to dig into the different facts, concepts, discoveries, and theories from various disciplines and studies during the last 8000 years of humanity to explain the universe in single pictures.

We used our most excellent human histories, scientific histories, and evolutions of our technologies—the different mistakes histories of humanity in interpretations of our world and explanations of the universe. 

The different and complex facts in-universe, the separate existence, our formulas, our scientific disciplines, our societies, our evolutions, the beginning of our stories, and so on carry forward the field of Chrology.

This complex research finished by opening the door of the news domain and a new conception of general studies of the universe.

Chrology is a complex set of views and understanding of the universe in its different faces of existence. The different principles of Chrology help us put everything the universe possesses into one concept, and all our various and diverse disciplines are all in chrology.

We are going through our understanding of cosmology, the existence of cosmic mosses, parallel bubble universes, superclusters of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, galaxies, our solar system, the sun, our presence, our eyes, our tiny objects, molecules, atoms, quarks, bacterias, virus, universal interactions of the quantum void, the theory of general relativities, string theories, theories of cosmic inflation, the big bang theory, the theory of dark matter, and others.

• Do we know and know a great thing about the whole system?

• Are we advanced enough in the quest to solve the mystery of the universe in its fundamental understanding?

Those are colossal, and exorbitant questions chrology asks and continues to develop to illuminate some answers.

All these consequences are the exact facts that have placed us in a microscopic and confusing world of complicated existence on a human scale that the whole universe allows us to access. To tackle questions like:

• What is the true meaning of our existence?

• What are we?

• What is the distance of the whole universe?

• What is there before and outside the universe?

• What is the last tiny piece that must exist in the universe?

• What is the shape of the most fabulous existence in the universe? Etc.

Chrology in the universe shows nature with irreversible visions of the position in that one finds oneself internally.

These are non-relative studies. Chrology allows us to find new energy. Chrology opens the door to other mathematical factors that help us understand the universe's existence.

Chrology explains the evolution of the cosmos in its natural and original aspects with several approaches to its different mini and macro horizons.

This new branch of study is under development and will change many views, different varieties of our understanding, the complex facts of existence, different compositions, and evolutions of the universe.

Physics is incorporated in Chrology as a fundamental science because the subject of study of all branches of natural science like chemistry, astronomy, geology, and biology are constrained by laws of physics, like how chemistry is often called the central science because of its role in linking the different physical sciences that are all in Chrology. .

Physics is incorporated in Chrology as a fundamental science because the subject of study of all branches of natural science like chemistry, astronomy, geology, and biology are constrained by laws of physics, like how chemistry is often called the central science because of its role in linking the different physical sciences that are all in Chrology. .


The concept of mass has progressively evolved in scientific communities and according to different eras of our progress on the quest to understanding the whole cosmos.

We are going back in history from the understanding of the traditional mass from the alien mass, from Newtonian mechanics to particle physics, and so on. In this concept, according to Chrology in its aspect, we are very far from the deep understanding of the universe's total mass. In-depth studies of chemistry on the quantities of materials, new concepts, and confirmations of quantum mechanics, observations of restricted and general relativity, the understanding of the mass has changed a lot to the Higgs Boson and the plank constant.


The concept of mass, according to Chrology, is the presence of any existence in one domain of the universe described in the first principle of Chrology. Mass is an accumulation in the universe.

In present-day scientific communities, accepted conventions and progressions have described the universe on a large scale by the laws of general relativity, whose energy is involved in gravitation and not mass.

The cosmology from the Big Bang Theory considers the cosmic horizon of the universe as a visible part as well as the limit of the observable universe with our instruments to determine its total mass with consideration to the density factor; however, the invisible part of the dark matter remains an elusive mystery.

According to Chorology, one cannot determine the dynamics and geometry of the Universe without, however, precisely determining the amount of material that composes it on its different areas of access.

The Cosmological constant has been introduced as the surface curvature of space to intervene in space's theoretical perception and construction. The gravitational constant has been introduced as a magnitude to represent all the fundamental characteristics of the universe in the interaction between all masses.

All these explanations, all these demonstrations, all these appearances, and the very complex existence of the number of materials in the whole universe by summing the different mass of parts which constitute it with various forms and different compositions confuses us and makes us extra for a method of determination and exact understanding of all the matter that includes the whole of the whole universe

Determining the total amount of matter that constitutes the entire cosmos requires a new method that considers the whole universe in a single concept and, more specifically, by introducing time and space in ways that are not Chrological and in a standard way solve the mystery of the whole idea.

Several methods that have been used to describe mass have contributed to progress in scientific communities.

The method introduced by Chrology considers the matter in its Chrological state in the universe before determining its quantity of weight which composes it the factors time and space is introduced typically in its Chrologic aspect.

Chrology Fundamental Theorem of Total Mass of the Universe.

Sciences of universe fundamental theorem of calculations of the total mass of universe by chrology. Ulrich Ndilira Rotam


Approaches to the whole universe with all its tiny systems, macros, and natural constituents on the Earth globe, on the different planetary worlds, galactic, etc., in its generality are accurate on all its systems of existence from environments to other environments and from horizons to another horizon.

They present diversified beauties, stunning and complicated to contemplate, making it challenging to study with more precision in a minimal field and a particular area like our position on Earth when we envisage a scientific study to understand  together.

All these complications of access are the reasons we need new ways to apprehend, approach, and formulate, to make our studies understandable and straightforward to interpret them with better techniques, 

Where do the origins of the universe come from before the Big Bang? • What was there before the appearance of the universe? What are its concepts? Its forms? • How are they born? What are the true secrets of its nature? By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam

Where do the origins of the universe come from before the Big Bang? • What was there before the appearance of the universe? What are its concepts? Its forms? • How are they born? What are the true secrets of its nature? By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam


The structures and the edifice of the universe's composition on all its generality are not a small and simple complex of organized order.

The universe is composed of several parts whose studies of its building differ from one environment to another, from one horizon to another horizon.

In the world of macro, many sciences have emerged. Studies are made with fewer errors to our understanding scales that why the macro world is spreading with much more numerous and affordable sciences that allow us to understand the certain mystery of the world.

The cosmic system is mostly a horizon system until we no longer arrive with our scientific progress to continue to measure this horizon if we position ourselves at one point on the earth or somewhere in any existence.

Several theories have emerged in this area to try to clarify the absolute understanding of everything.

But the entire universe hides his deep secrets, and we stayed with several problems of methodologies and technics to centralize his mysteries from his big views to his tiny existences.

Let’s use our precious sense organ, vision, which takes us to see up to the certain limit of space until it no longer allows us to see more and to no longer understand the concept of all universe to interpret things scientifically.

If we switch using our vision instruments, we find ourselves again in the same situation.

The reason why the methods propose by Chrology defined all the sets of studies in-universe then to position all our studies, our sciences, and our existing knowledge in their descriptive mode of existence.

Chrology is the science of all the sciences described in his theory with the five domains of studies that are Chrologically performed throughout the universe and describe it originally:

• Substranormalogy,

• Substramicrology,

• Substramacrology,

• Substra-extramicrology,

• Substra-extramacrology.

We are considerably limited and absolutely excluded with other methods, other materials, other technologies, and some mathematical expression to describe the whole universe in a simple concept to understand all its secrets. By Chrology

We are considerably limited and absolutely excluded with other methods, other materials, other technologies, and some mathematical expression to describe the whole universe in a simple concept to understand all its secrets. By Chrology


1-Speed of light in vacuum c = 299 792 458 m/s

2-Planck constant h = 4.136 × 10-15 eV.s = 6.63 × 10−34 J.s

3-Rydberg constant R∞ = 1.097 × 107 m−1

4-Faraday constant F = 96485 C/mol

5-Gravitation constant G = 6.67×10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2

6-Coulomb constant 1/4πε0 = 8.9875517923(14) × 109 N m2/C2

7-Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/(m2 K4)

8-Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K

9-Avogadro’s number NA = 6.023 × 1023 mol−1

10-Bohr radius a0 = 0.529 × 10−10 m

11-Mass of electron me = 9.1 × 10−31 kg

12-Bohr magneton µB = 9.27 × 10−24 J/T

13-Standard atmosphere atm = 1.01325 × 105 Pa

14-Mass of proton mp = 1.6726 × 10−27 kg

15-Wien displacement constant b = 2.9 × 10−3 m K

16-Molar gas constant R = 8.314 J/(mol K)

17-Charge of electron e = 1.602 × 10−19 C

18-Permittivity of vacuum 0 = 8.85 × 10−12 F/m

19-Fermi coupling GF/(¯hc)3 = 1.166 39(1) × 10−5 GeV−2

20- Deuteron mass md = 3.343 583 35(57) × 10−27 kg

The fundamental principle of the absolute existence in the Universe


Let us take eight (8) men on our Earth. They have the same age with the same diplomas in different disciplines of different intellectual aspects with the same devices or the same sense of technology they can use in different environments.

We assume to send them to study the different parts of the universe. Let’s send these men two (2) by two (2):

a) Send two (2) men to different planets.

b) Send two (2) men to different galaxies.

c) Send two (2) men to different tiny worlds.

d) Send two (2) men to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

The consequences of the results of the vision samples and different results of our eight (8) visitors in these five (5) worlds will be completely different globally but Chrologically the same:

NOTE 1: The first (1st) principle of Chrology remains the same for the eight (8) visitors. Each traveler will always have to conceive and recognize their world in five (5) parts as in the first (1st) postulate of Chrology. Every visitor will continue to see his world always defined in Leugs.

NOTE 2: The results according to the tendencies of approaches will be completely different. The dimensions, spaces, movements, energies, etc., and the Leugs designed will not be the same according to the different trips of our visitors.

NOTES 3: Approaches to understanding the cosmos of their worlds will be complicated for all 8 visitors. It will always be difficult for all visitors to understand exactly the systems of the cosmos, and everyone will always be limited.

These diversified irreversibilities are how all universe is conceived and appears to us in any circumstances, with any technology we carry. Refer to CHROLOGY books for more informations.


 All the science and literature of the past and our time have classified themselves in vast and tiny domains.

The great scientists of the past and nowadays are curious to detect all the great mysteries of the whole universe to understand it and explain its facts.

However, the system is still very complicated that we need other means of research more sophisticated, to our understandings to go very far to conquer the answers to these many sacred questions, like our black beak which some are valid and some almost invalid:

• Where do the origins of the universe come from before the Big Bang?

• What was there before the appearance of the universe? What are its concepts? Its forms?

• How are they born? What are the true secrets of its nature?

• Why a physical presence in the universe? What will be its final limits after the Big Bang? What will be its final limits after the quantum world?

• Where do we go with all those around us?

• What is the real meaning of our existence?

• What is the real meaning of death?

• Why do we live and disappear?

• For how long the land will exist?

• Is there any other possibility for particles without mass to go faster than light? • Are there any things in the cover-up of the whole universe?

• How, and why, the systems of galaxies and planets have positioned themselves in the universe?

• The MAN in all the cosmos represents what?

• What are the meanings of our contributions to the evolution of the whole system?

• Is there any other human outside of the earth in the universe system?

• What does it represent and explain our situation on earth in the whole system of the cosmos?

• Why do the egg and sperm merge only in the microscopic world and grow to give life to our scale?

• Why do men kill each other for material reasons?

• Why do we hurt ourselves, kill each other with our sentimental reasons? Racial? Religious? Radical?

• Why do we hate other nations?

• Why do we think to be superior to others?

• Why does money change humans?

• Why do we not live forever?

• Why do we die in many ways?

• Why are we not comparing anything to the scale of the existence of the entire universe?

• Why does human knowledge never stop?

• Are our technologies enough and powerful to unveil all existences of the universe?

• Does antimatter exist, or is it an outdated concept?

• What secret holds dark matter?

• What are the real limits of the horizons of the cosmos throughout his system?

• Are all our conventions built brave enough to govern the earth?

• Why are the dominations of nations over other nations not forever?

• What is the formula for making life on earth happy?

• Why are we obese and jealous of other people? Other institutions, other ideas?

• Why the existence of the tiny world?

• Why the presence of the macro-cosmic world?

• What existences are before the tiny world, and what presences before the macro-cosmic world?

• Do we really know ourselves? And if we do, why are we present now? Etc.

It is to all these great questions that the sciences, literary studies, and all people on earth who think have always tried to answer that other validate, other invalidate, and still tries to answer several riddles of the universe in its different dimensions of existence.

These exorbitant questions also completely upset me and pushed me into an immeasurable inquiry into the quest for some answers and ended up opening the birth of Chrology. By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam

Comparing ourselves throughout the universe is an abstract question because we are only a thin of another part existing overall. 	The universe is a complex of bodies, elements, particles, etc. each of which plays a very fundamental role for the whole to exist, evolve, and live. By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam

Comparing ourselves throughout the universe is an abstract question because we are only a thin of another part existing overall. The universe is a complex of bodies, elements, particles, etc. each of which plays a very fundamental role for the whole to exist, evolve, and live. By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam


With the exact and applied sciences, natural sciences, engineering sciences, technological sciences, medical sciences, sanitary sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, human sciences, etc.

We have made considerable efforts to compare to the state of our different eras of existence.

With our knowledge, we always give meaning to all those we see and access in the universe and explain the real state and true to the scale of our understanding but the constitution of all of its balance and versatility or the irreversibility of all events, all existences, all evolutions in its overall state show us that we are still far from the absolute comprehension of all that we describe on our universe to its original state.

Religions give very simple explanations that we must believe without asking questions, the different works of literature philosophy decry while opening several basic questions with non-tangible evidence of facts.

But some fundamental things are missing to all our human progress to explain all the different synchronizations, all the different interminable beauties that all these tiny existences, all these titanic appearances, all these colossal presences, and all these phenomenal diversities that everything of the universe possesses as a whole.

He holds another secret that needs completely different means by exploiting our current knowledge for apprehended and understand it in an original and absolute way.

If we revisit, seriously, our knowledge and re-study everything there is another absolute question that is not answered.

We do not yet understand at a large percentage the true meaning of our absolute existence in the whole universe.

We live a very short time and we disappear definitively to contribute to the evolution of the whole universe.

The human body is a Chrological set. Each organ is designed to meet in its world has very important functions and well determine.

We are composed of a complex assemblage of several organs that determine us in a micro and macro world according to our Chrologic scale and each source of these organs poses another completely different question in our process of understanding our births.

Comparing ourselves throughout the universe is an abstract question because we are only a thin of another part existing overall.

The universe is a complex of bodies, elements, particles, etc. each of which plays a very fundamental role for the whole to exist, evolve, and live.

Therefore, we do not understand much of the absolute secret of the universe while we attempt with different means to explain it with our limited senses, intellectual pride, arrogance, intellectual, and materials. All that express nothing in the deep sense of knowing the whole universe? By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam

To describe and show with an absolute sense of our existence in the entire universe several factors will take us to not know. even we used  formulas to investigate. By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam

To describe and show with an absolute sense of our existence in the entire universe several factors will take us to not know. even we used formulas to investigate. By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam

What is the last tiny piece that must exist in the whole universe? By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam

What is the last tiny piece that must exist in the whole universe? By Ulrich Ndilira Rotam


According to Chrology, there will be humans in other parts of the universe that will be represented differently from us on earth.

This the consequences of the existence and presence of anything in the 25th different words discovered and described by the principles of Chrology follow our second editions of the book soon on the market.

In the deep views of the universe in all his compositions, Everything is assembled in different large configurations for the structure to be whole.

In the deep views of the universe in all his compositions, Everything is assembled in different large configurations for the structure to be whole.

We are composed of a complex assemblage of several organs that determine us in a micro and macro world according to our Chrologic scale. Each source of these organs poses another entirely different question in our process of understanding our births.

We are composed of a complex assemblage of several organs that determine us in a micro and macro world according to our Chrologic scale. Each source of these organs poses another entirely different question in our process of understanding our births.